HPC Portal

The main tool you can use to contact our staff is our Service Desk, which you can find in our one-stop HPC Portal. Go to http://hpc.csuc.cat and then click on Support.

You need to register to use our Service Desk; note that this registration is independent from your user account in the machines. If you don't remember your password, click on the link on the HPC Portal to recover it.

Service Desk

The Service Desk interface is self-explanatory. You will see that requests are grouped into Technical Requests (relating to technical support for the end users in our cluster) and Administrative Requests (covering project management, such as the creation of new users, contracting computational hours, and so on).

By default you are notified by email when a the status of one of your tickets changes, but you can also review your past tickets from the upper right corner of the Service Desk page. You will also find there a place to customise your profile and, more importantly, your email notifications.

In order to open a ticket, you will need to choose a type of request and fill out the form with the relevant information. Once you've opened the ticket you'll receive a confirmation email, and our staff will respond to it as soon as possible.

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